About us
Helping Publishers Increase Book Sales in the US And Building their Perfect Ecosystems for Growth

At We the Content we help children’s publishers increase sales within the library, educational, and consumer markets in the US. As a matter of fact, our approach to strategy and comprehensive outlook makes us unique in the industry.
The broad knowledge that we bring about each channel allows us to position titles effectively, which results in avoiding wasted time and money, increasing book sales while reducing returns, and shortening the learning curve.
With this in mind, we listen attentively to our clients’ needs and consider available resources, thus being able to create tailored roadmaps that match their business goals to market conditions.
Our Approach
Strategy is the main driver of sales and our guiding principle. For this very reason, our tailored approach looks at goals, opportunities, as well as market trends and conditions.
Why Choose Us
We the Content's reputation and results are stellar, and we intend on keeping it that way. Our average client stays with us for years, a testament to the value we bring and the personalized care we provide.
A Perfect Ecosystem for Growth
Growth relies on content, sales, and marketing working as a well-oiled machine, hence, our wide range of services.
Our Goal
Our ultimate goal is to meet our clients' specific growth objectives while taking the overwhelm caused by workload, limited resources, lack of direction or complexity of the US market out of the equation.
Founder & Chief Strategist
I founded We the Content to help children’s publishers better position their titles and increase sales across different markets in the US. I noticed that many publishers were lagging behind because little or no attention is placed on demand generation and creating systems for growth, more often than not because they don’t know where to start or they simply cannot keep up with what the task entails.

All of us in the publishing industry have a responsibility towards our readers. This is even more important with children’s books as we can impact a life forever. I take this responsibility seriously and work tirelessly to help my clients position titles that make a difference and resonate with young audiences.
Carolina Schwarz; Founder & Chief Strategist